Write a Note to Yourself

From time to time, I invite clients in both individual therapy and group therapy to write a letter of understanding and encouragement to themselves. This letter can be long or it can be short. Sometimes people will adopt it as a practice, writing a few short lines to themselves each morning or each evening to help connect with and cultivate understanding, warmth, strength, and courage.
For some people, this kind of letter writing comes fairly easily. For many people, it is challenging at the beginning but gets easier over time. In group therapy, we tend to pull out all the stops—felt, glitter, patterned paper, stamps—for each person to decorate their notes and letters as they wish.
Today, I learned of the sweet song, Note to Self, by Jake Bugg. What a gem—and relevant. I wanted to share it.
Write a note to yourself… You’re a thing of beauty.
…Put it in an envelope and put it in the post. It’ll come back to your door.
…Read a note to yourself…
—Jake Bugg, Note to Self
Posted in Articles, Compassion, External Resources, Self-Compassion
Tagged Compassion-focused therapy, Jake Bugg, Music, Photography