Evidence-Based Guidelines and Care Pathways with Respect to Traumatic Brain Injuries
In this post, I would like to help spread the word about various resources related to current evidence-based guidelines and ideal practices regarding care pathways and treatment approaches to assist those who have experienced a traumatic brain injury whether mild, moderate, or severe.
I learned about these resources via some excellent webinars I attended recently and want to give credit to those involved in those presentations: Dr. Diana Veliconja; Clinical Neuropsychologist; Neurotrauma Care Pathways team members: Judith Gargaro (Manager), Aishwarya Nair, Parwana Akbari (Research Analysts), Mark Bayley (Project Lead); and Clinicians Shawn Marshall, MD, Msc, FRCPC, The Ottawa Hospital; Noah Silverberg, PhD, RPsych, Unviversity of British Columbia. I also want to give credit to the Ontario Psychological Association for hosting these webinars.
Living Concussion Guidelines – Guidelines appropriate for use with those 18 and older who have experienced a concussion. Geared primarily toward healthcare professionals. Also includes additional resources section and patient version.
Neurotrauma Care Pathways – Not limited to but includes evidence-based care pathways for mild, moderate to severe, and traumatic spinal cord injuries, as well as links to various current guidelines/related resources.
The American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine Diagnostic Criteria for Mild Traumatic Brain Injury 2023 – This is a link to the article published in May, 2023 showing the updated diagnostic criteria and explaining the process utilized in arriving at the updated criteria.
Posted in Articles, External Resources
Tagged Concussion, TBIs, Traumatic Brain Injury, Websites