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Evidence-Based Guidelines and Care Pathways with Respect to Traumatic Brain Injuries

In this post, I would like to help spread the word about various resources related to current evidence-based guidelines and ideal practices regarding care pathways and treatment approaches to assist those who have experienced a traumatic brain injury whether mild, moderate, or severe.

I learned about these resources via some excellent webinars I attended recently and want to give credit to those involved in those presentations: Dr. Diana Veliconja; Clinical Neuropsychologist; Neurotrauma Care Pathways team members: Judith Gargaro (Manager), Aishwarya Nair, Parwana Akbari (Research Analysts), Mark Bayley (Project Lead); and Clinicians Shawn Marshall, MD, Msc, FRCPC, The Ottawa Hospital; Noah Silverberg, PhD, RPsych, Unviversity of British Columbia. I also want to give credit to the Ontario Psychological Association for hosting these webinars.


Living Concussion Guidelines – Guidelines appropriate for use with those 18 and older who have experienced a concussion. Geared primarily toward healthcare professionals. Also includes additional resources section and patient version.

Neurotrauma Care Pathways – Not limited to but includes evidence-based care pathways for mild, moderate to severe, and traumatic spinal cord injuries, as well as links to various current guidelines/related resources.

The American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine Diagnostic Criteria for Mild Traumatic Brain Injury 2023 – This is a link to the article published in May, 2023 showing the updated diagnostic criteria and explaining the process utilized in arriving at the updated criteria.