Posts tagged: Photography

Two components of compassion

Compassion can be understood as having two components: (1) a sensitivity to suffering in yourself and others, and (2) a commitment to try to alleviate and prevent this suffering. This means that compassion also involves two different sets of skills, processes, and orientations. Read more ›

in Articles,Compassion

Reading the book, “God’s Hotel,” by physician, Victoria Sweet

I am currently reading the biography, God’s Hotel: A Doctor, A Hospital, and a Pilgrimage to the Heart of Medicine by Victoria Sweet (copyright 2012)From this reading, I have learned many things not limited to but including

  1. the word, viriditas
  2. that viriditas comes from the Latin word for green, and
  3. that one meaning of viriditas that was used by Hildegard during a period of premodern medicine is “the analogous power of human beings to grow, to give birth, and to heal” (p. 86).

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in Articles,External Resources

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