In the book, Mindful Compassion, you will find an important sub-heading: “Mindfulness of the Chaotic Mind, Not Just the Still Mind” (see chapter five). The book is written by psychologist, Paul Gilbert, and mindfulness and compassion meditation instructor, Choden. The 10-word sub-heading is so important, containing a key concept, practice, and lesson in and of itself.Read more ›
In response to the Canadian Psychological Association’s invitation to do something this month to give psychology away, during the month of February, 2014, all guided meditations here at Inspiring Connections will be on sale.
The e-book, Compassion: Building Practice and Science, edited by Tania Singer and Matthías Bolz is hot off the press! You can learn about and download the e-book here. The 531 page book is divided into four main sections: experiences with training compassion, concepts of compassion, science of compassion, and training programs of compassion. Read more ›
Go to nearly any self-help or psychology section in a bookstore these days and you’ll probably find books with mindfulness in the title. Below is a link for a handout I’ve written that provides a brief introduction to mindfulness. It contains information you might find useful if you are learning how to experience mindfulness in your life, including if you are beginning to practice guided meditations such as a body scan meditation. Read more ›