Posts tagged: Paul Gilbert

Compassion for Voices Video: A Tale of Courage and Hope

Compassion is the courage to descend into the reality of human experience. —Paul Gilbert, founder of Compassion Focused Therapy

This quote appears toward the end of a fantastic, very moving animated short-film that psychologist, Dr. Charlie Heriot-Maitland, worked on with animator Kate Anderson. It is the story of Stuart who experiences internal voices that criticize him, frighten, and overwhelm him, and of his journey of gaining confidence Read more ›

in Articles,Compassion,Counselling Reflections & Skills,External Resources,Self-Compassion,Working with Emotion

Two components of compassion

Compassion can be understood as having two components: (1) a sensitivity to suffering in yourself and others, and (2) a commitment to try to alleviate and prevent this suffering. This means that compassion also involves two different sets of skills, processes, and orientations. Read more ›

in Articles,Compassion

Mindfulness includes mindfulness of the chaotic mind (not only of the pretty flowers)

In the book, Mindful Compassionyou will find an important sub-heading: Mindfulness of the Chaotic Mind, Not Just the Still Mind” (see chapter five). The book is written by psychologist, Paul Gilbert, and mindfulness and compassion meditation instructor, Choden. The 10-word sub-heading is so important, containing a key concept, practice, and lesson in and of itself. Read more ›

in Articles,External Resources,Mindfulness